It's been quite awhile since I've blogged. And it's not that I don't want to, it just seems like there isn't enough hours in a day for me to sit down and really get anything done right now. Between school, homeschooling, practice, taking care of my children, growing a baby, cleaning, taking care of my husband, etc....I just can't seem to get a lot of things done. So, I figured I'd sit down for a few minutes and relax.
Yes, our lives have been very busy. School is very hectic right now with a concert coming up and solo and ensemble this next month. I have 32 students that I'm accompanying. I think I was crazy for taking on that many, but I really didn't have a choice. I'm looking forward to school being done this year. I'm not usually saying that until the end of April, but this year has just seemed so different compared to the last few. The only highlight is that Marc and I are going on the music trip with some of the students at the end of March. Now, this isn't just any trip - it's a Bahamas cruise. How could I pass that up? Neither Marc nor I have ever been on a cruise. And I would prefer that it just be the two of us, but we will have time to ourselves without the kids.
Emma's doing really well in school this year. She has so many more subjects than last year, and even more than the kids in 1st grade that are in public school. But we're making our way through. We're a little ahead of schedule. I'm o.k. with that for now, but we may have to start dragging our feet towards the end. We'll see. Her reading is fantastic. I've been blown away with how fast she's learning. Oh, to still have the learning capacity that a child has! Lily has been asking to start school. She knows how to write her name, her letters and numbers. But I'm not really ready just yet to start. My plans now are to start her in June. Emma will probably continue on to 2nd grade then. But we'll see. The baby is coming at the end of June. We'll just have to see how everything is going at that time. Maggie is trying so hard to catch up to her sisters. She wants to do everything they do. She's my little snuggler and loves mommy-time! And I have to admit...I love it, too. But there are days I'm just ready for the kiddoes to go to bed. I try never to wish my day away, but I am relieved to have a little quiet come 8:30.
My pregnancy is going really well. I can't complain. The normal aches and pains, the sleepless nights because you can't get comfortable, etc. But all-in-all, except for a few scares, it's been a great pregnancy. I'm feeling the baby move on a pretty regular basis. Nothing that Marc can feel just yet, just little nudges to let me know there's someone there. We're getting excited because next Wednesday is the day that we should find out the sex of the baby. Hopefully the baby will cooperate. But who knows. Emma didn't let us see anything until I was 34 weeks along. I hope that's not the case with this little one. I'd like to know what to call him/her. I'm a little nervous, though. What if it's a boy? I've never had a boy. I don't know how to raise a boy. I don't even know how to change a little boy's diaper! Oh, I'm in big trouble!

Me at 18 weeks (5 months). I can't believe this belly is going to be getting bigger!
God has blessed us with some really good friends. We've gotten to know them better and have really enjoyed them. My not being from Indiana makes it really hard sometimes. I didn't grow up with anyone around here. And it's difficult for me to talk to people I don't know well. Marc is so much better in that area than I am. But I'm trying to do better. And I'm starting to feel more at home.
Well, it looks like my time is up. I need to start getting the girls ready for bed. You know the routine, get into p.j.'s, brush teeth, read a book, pray and then it's light's out. And then the quiet. Ooohhh...