Thursday, March 26, 2009

Constantly Growing

I had to post a few pictures of the belly.  This baby inside is growing like crazy.  It's hard to believe that I'm almost 3/4 of the way through this pregnancy.  It's gone by so fast.  He's moving non-stop - especially at night.  It's getting more and more uncomfortable to sleep because of where he is inside and all the movement.  But I love it!  I've loved every part of this pregnancy.  Well, almost every part.  There are a few things that I could do without, but other than that, it's been great!  I can't wait to meet this little guy and see what and who he looks like.  I hope all this moving inside isn't a sign of things to come, but if it is, that's o.k.  

This was taken at 18 weeks.  I thought my belly was huge then!  Little did I know (well, I knew, but still...).

This is now at 27 weeks.  You can definitely see that he's getting bigger!  And I still have a little ways to go!  Oh boy!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, Lily

This past Wednesday we celebrated Lily's 5th birthday.  We had grandpa and grandma over for dinner.  She picked out the meal for that night - spaghetti and meatballs!  My girls love that dinner.  And we topped it off with chocolate ice cream (yuck - but she loves it) and a Cat in the Hat birthday cake.

It's so hard for us to believe that she's 5 already.  It seems like just yesterday I was laboring for her (she was my easiest labor - not the shortest, she was 4 hours, but definitely the easiest with no back labor, tearing, etc.).  She's grown up into such a sweet and beautiful little girl.  I couldn't imagine our family without her and her personality.  So, Happy Birthday, Lily!  We love you so much!

Lily loves the Cat in the Hat.  So we decided to do that for her birthday this year.

Us singing Happy Birthday to her.  She's been really shy lately and she was so embarassed.

Blowing out the candles.  Go, Lily, Go!

Emma reading Lily her card with grandpa.

Opening gifts.  I think this one was from her sisters.

I love her huge open-mouth smile.  She was so excited!

More books.  She loves books even though she can't read yet.

She got rain boots and a rain coat from Marc and I.  We bought the umbrella a few weeks ago.  She's been wearing the boots and coat around the house every day for the last few days!  I'm so glad that she loves them!