Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Definitely Protected

Anticipation was building as we were leaving for Texas for Christmas. We had been looking forward to going and had everything ready to go. The suitcases were all packed and loaded up in the van and all the gifts for the kids were packed and ready to be opened on Christmas morning. Marc came home from work and went to bed shortly after he came home so he could get some sleep as he was the first one driving and we were going to leave around midnight on Christmas Eve. It was a 16 hour drive down to my brother's house - no big deal, we've done that trip before. As always, we prayed before we left that God would keep us safe. Little did we know that that little prayer would pay off.

We decided to follow the GPS instead of taking the last route that we took this past summer. We never follow the GPS without anything else, but forgot to print off the directions before we left. The GPS took us through St. Louis (which was beautiful, by the way - the arch was AMAZING!). But just south of St. Louis, it started to snow and it was snowing hard! The roads got slick fast and we went from driving 70 mph to 35 mph. We did that for a few hours and then pulled off to get some gas and breakfast. Marc talked to some people at a gas station and we decided to take an alternate route that would put us south faster and get us out of the snow quicker. And it did just that. We were finally going faster, the snow was gone and it was raining out. We could deal with the rain. Then Marc asked me if we wanted to stop at the McDonald's, get the kids some lunch and then go from there. I decided we should wait just a little longer and we headed on. Little did we know that that was the road we were supposed to turn on. We kept going (in the wrong direction) and 5 minutes after I made the decision to not stop, we were hit by an oncoming car.

I had just closed my eyes and heard, "Oh no!". I opened them just in time to see a small silver car plow into the driver's side of the van. All of the kids screamed at the impact and then there was dead silence. She hit us hard enough that it sent us off the road. We went through a small woods (amazingly we didn't hit any trees) and came to a complete stop about 6 feet shy of plowing through someone's mobile home (wouldn't that have been a Merry Christmas for them). We did a kid check and found that everyone was o.k. I looked at Marc and he had a small bump over his eye (from his head hitting the air bag). The ambulance was called, the cops were called and there were people who saw the accident that stopped and helped. We pulled the kids out and had them checked out by the EMT's. The girl that hit us was o.k., too. The people who saw the accident, put our children in their warm vehicle (it was freezing out that day) and fed them snacks and entertained them for 2 HOURS!!! I couldn't believe that they did that! That was so nice of them. We called the insurance company and then the rental car company. Enterprise wouldn't bring a vehicle to us and we didn't know what to do. Then one of the EMT's said that he just happened to drive his wife's Cadillac Escalade to work that morning. We know that it wasn't a just happening for him - it was God playing a hand in this whole thing. One of the bosses drove us 1 1/2 hours down to the rental place - we waited 30 minutes for our rental and then had to drive 1 1/2 back north to get everything out of our van and into the rental van. So, our accident was at 10:30 am - and we didn't get back on the road to head to TX until 7:00 pm. We were off the road for 8 1/2 hours and still had 8 hours to go. It was a long day. What was supposed to be a 16 hour drive, turned into a 26 hour drive. We were wiped out but just so thankful that God kept us safe. The accident could have been so much worse. The car that hit us ran right into Marc and Eva. We could have been spending Christmas in a hospital, but we didn't. We were in TX on Christmas day!

God definitely protected us! We are so thankful our family is alright. Except for some minor bumps and bruises and no van, there would have been no sign that we were in an accident. He is so amazing! And we are so thankful that He kept us safe that day!
(The mobile home that we almost drove through - we don't know how we stopped in time)

(You can see the woods in the background that we went through. It's amazing that we didn't hit any trees or the wood piles!)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

In the Midst of Busyness...

...we have had some times of calmness. It seems that we have had no down time lately. It's been go, go, go without the stop. But in the few times that it has been calm, we've had some great family times. Nothing huge, nothing special - just times of quiet and calmness. And I've begun to relish those times. I used to hate it when we didn't go anywhere on the weekends. I hated just staying home and doing nothing. But lately, I've been looking forward to those times. Times of just sitting on the floor and playing a game with the girls and wrestling with Cole; times of just watching a movie and eating ice cream with my husband; times of just staring into the eyes of my littlest while she's nursing and watching her try to smile and eat at the same time. Those are the times I relish - the times that I wish I could just stop time and hold on to that moment and pray "Please God, don't let them grow up too quickly". But I can't hold on to a moment and they do grow up so fast. And I am privileged to be along for the ride. So here are a few of the moments we were able to grab on to.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Welcome Eva Jane

It's hard to believe that one week ago in the morning before church, this was me...
...and that 9 hours after this picture was taken,

this happened...
Eva Jane ~ 7 lbs. 7 oz ~ 20 1/4 in.

Let me start from the beginning. Last Sunday, September 5, I woke up like any other morning. A little tired, but not too bad. The baby in my belly had been running laps during the night and felt like my ribs were a good place to plant its feet. But we were up and getting ready for church. I got the girls ready and Cole, too, walked out the door and headed to church to worship. During the middle of the church service, I felt a few twinges of contractions. Nothing huge and definitely no pain. Just felt my stomach tighten periodically. I spoke to a doctor friend after church just to get some questions answered. I just wanted to know what I needed to look for if I was going to go into labor on my own (I had been induced with the other 4). I had specifically prayed that God would allow me to go into labor by myself, but at this point, I didn't care if I was induced or not. The baby had run out of room and I was HUGE (refer to picture #1)! Anyway, I got my questions answered and we headed home after church. When we got home, I made lunch for the kids and Marc, but really didn't want to eat. I decided to go and relax and while doing so, I noticed that the tightenings were getting more and more regular and closer together. I gave Marc a heads-up and continued to monitor things. At about 1:45 I told Marc that I thought I was in early labor. We called his parents to come and watch the kids and headed up to the hospital - really hoping that I was indeed in labor, but not sure. We got to the hospital, checked in, went up to the labor and delivery floor to be monitored for a little bit. The nurse came in, asked me a MILLION questions and finally checked me. At 3:00, I was 3 cm. dilated. Not a lot, but it was more than at my appointment which was just 2 days prior. The nurse thought I would stay, but had to run everything by the doctor. They called her and I heard a little of their conversation. The doctor wanted me to walk for an hour and then she was going to send me home. I wasn't far enough along to stay. The nurse kindly reminded her that this was my 5th child and things could go pretty quickly. Also, I lived almost an hour away from the hospital. Was it really wise to send me home if things took off? I LOVED my nurse! She was FANTASTIC! Anyway, the doctor conceded and let me stay. They admitted me and I was brought over to my room. Since things were moving rather quickly and I was starting to have some pain with my contractions, I decided to get some fluid in me just in case I wanted an epidural. At 4:30, they checked me and I was already 8 cm. dilated. So, in 1 1/2 hours, I dilated 5 cm. Boy -- am I glad I didn't go home!!! I really wanted the epidural at this point as I was having TERRIBLE back labor. The anesthesiologist came in, poked and prodded me, gave me the drugs and.....nothing happened. The pain was still there. And stronger than ever. The nurse had me roll from side to side to see if we could get the meds to move. They didn't. At 5:30, it didn't matter. I was 10 cm. and ready to push. Five minutes later our baby was born! I heard the baby cry. Everyone oohed and aahed. And I heard, "That's a beautiful baby". But nobody told me what the baby was! Marc and I had decided that since this baby was a complete surprise, we would let it stay that way until the very end. And when I was wondering what the sex was, no one was telling me. I finally had to ask Marc! He moved the baby's leg and whispered, "It's a girl!". I was so EXCITED!!!! We had another girl! And she was just beautiful! During this whole process, Maggie was in the room with us watching everything! She was just in awe of her brand new baby sister! She couldn't get enough of her! She counted her fingers and toes and then said, "Mom, when you get home, the baby can sleep in my room!". Ummm....not just yet! This birth was a beautiful experience. Going from no contractions, to twinges, to heading up to the hospital, to labor, to having this beautiful little girl God created laying on my skin just staring into my eyes - I couldn't have asked for it to go any smoother.

Back in January when I was praying and asking God to make some changes in my life, I was completely blown away when I found out I was pregnant yet again. Excited, nervous, anxious, wondering how we were going to do it with 5 children. But now that I see her, it doesn't matter. God allowed this to happen for a reason and He is going to totally take care of everything. Now that she's here, I couldn't imagine life without her. She fits into our family beautifully. If you're wondering how Cole is managing all of this - let me just tell you that he's completely fine. He struts around this house like he's the king of the castle. Anyway, here are a few pictures of our newest and last addition (at least that's how I feel - if God changes that, well.....)!

Minutes after Eva was born.

Maggie in love!

Daddy is, too!

Our little Eva Jane!

Emma and her new baby sister.

Mommy and baby!

Eva's first Sunday at church!

We love you, Eva Jane, and can't wait to see how God is going to use you in our lives and in the lives of others!

Monday, August 23, 2010

8 years ago today....

...we were blessed with this -- our first daughter. She made us parents for the very first time! And we were in love!
Emma Mae was born on August 23, 2002 at 8:58 AM. Her total labor lasted 7 hours from start to finish (though I remember pushing for 2 1/2 hours with her)! She was such an easy baby. She only really cried when she was hungry, tired or needed a diaper change. The smallest insignificant thing created hours of enjoyment for her. I remember one day not hearing her for awhile and going to check on her only to find that she was playing with a string that she found on the floor. That string entertained her for so long. Emma is my perfectionist. She HATES it when things don't go the way she wants them to. She is quiet, a little more outgoing (though she used to be painfully shy), smart, an avid reader, a lover of math, loving and sweet. She loves being a big sister and takes care of her siblings when I can't. She has a best friend who lives across the street from us but also counts her sisters in that best friend category. She adores her little brother who adores her right back. She's amazed by simple things and always asks 101 questions about everything. I miss her being so little - so dependent. But I am loving that she's becoming an independent young girl who takes pride in her work.

I found some pictures that I had forgotten that we had. So, here she is...Emma Mae Rader...from the beginning to the present!

Happy Birthday, Em! We love you!

10 years!

I'm a little late in getting this post posted. It seems that by the time I get around to even thinking about blogging, my day is finished and the next morning has arrived. Anyway, on the 12th of this month, Marc and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary. We didn't celebrate it the way we originally planned. Our original plan was to head off to Italy for 10 days and enjoy our time together in a most beautiful country. But, it didn't work out that way. We spent our 10th taking our children to play at Burger King for lunch and eating off the dollar menu! And you know what? It was GREAT!!! We had a great time together as a family. I love this man. He's a great husband, a caring and loving father and a great provider. I'm so looking forward to spending the next 80 years with him! He's definitely not perfect....but he's perfect for me!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Another Birthday!

I can't believe we're celebrating another birthday today! It seems like the time is just flying by and I can't keep track of everything! Anyway....Five years ago today at 5:24 pm, little Maggie Rose was born to us after 2 hours of labor (she was my shortest labor and delivery). I had already become used to the personalities of her two older sisters -- one quiet, sweet and easily entertained; the other more busy and outgoing. So, I just figured she'd be just like her sisters. Boy....was I WRONG!!! This little one made the busy one look like a walk in the park. She is my ornery, stubborn, strong-willed, out-spoken little one. But she is also my one that is most mothering and truly cares about the feeling of others (not that my other girls don't care - Maggie just seems to be the most sensitive in that area). She's an amazing little girl who keeps me on my toes all day every day. She asks a million and one questions and really NEVER stops talking! There is not a quiet moment when you are with her. There are days when I have to tell her to leave the room and go play. I feel bad doing that to her, but my ears need a break!!!! I can't imagine what life will be like when she's a teenager!!! But I'm sure it will be full of surprises! She is a mommy's girl, but loves her daddy dearly. She can't wait to start kindergarten (though, I can - her attention span is pretty short). She loves to help me bake. But above all - this little girl LOVES her baby dolls!!! I've never seen one kid with so many babies, but she takes care of them all. They're all named and we have to make sure that they're all tucked in at night. If you were to ask her what she wants to be when she grows up, she'll tell you "a mommy". She already has her children's names picked out (they're a little scary - I'm really hoping that she'll change her mind when the time comes!!! =) ). She is an amazing little girl whom I just adore!

Here are just a plethra of some of my favorite pictures of her. I took all of her baby pictures off the computer and downloaded them onto discs, so I didn't have any to choose from for this. So, these will have to do.

So....Happy Birthday, Mags!!! I hope your day is extra-special! We love you!