Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy Birthday, Lily!

Another year has come and gone. And it seems like just yesterday it was just Marc and I. On March 11, 2004 at 1:11pm, our second daughter, Lily Olivia, made her entrance into the world. I remember her labor as if it just happened yesterday. And the reason I remember was because it was my easiest labor ever. Now, don't get me wrong, all my labors so far have been easy. And even though her labor wasn't the shortest I've ever had (she was 4 hours from start to finish), she was my only labor without back labor. And it was FANTASTIC!!!! She just lights up our lives. And we couldn't imagine our family without our only blue-eyed girl! Lily has so much energy which she uses up in trying to make us laugh. She's got such a great sense of humor! She can run faster than any of her sisters, she's still learning to read (but it'll click soon with her), she's got a great smile and is very excited when she loses her teeth! Out of all my children, she was not my snuggler. But there are days when she'll just cuddle up next to us and we soak it up because it's such a few-and-far between event. She is a joy and I'm looking forward to seeing how she's going to grow in the next few years. I thank God for her.

She's grown so fast! She went from this...

to this....

to this...

and now this!
So, Happy Birthday, Lily! We love you so much!!!

Cole's New Trick

Here is Cole's latest trick. He's been working on this for the last month but finally got it perfected last Friday. It's amazing how fast he is growing up. And this is just the beginning. I'm looking forward to seeing more of his "firsts".

Monday, March 15, 2010

Future Player

I know it's been awhile since I've posted anything. But I just had to post this because I thought he looked so cute! Anyway, most of you know that I'm from New York. There are many GREAT things about New York - snow (lots of it!), my hometown, the city, shopping, the Statue of Liberty, etc. But the best thing about New York are the NY Yankees! My family and I are huge fans!! Before Cole was born, my brother sent this hat as a gift for him. It's still a little big, but it stays on. I LOVE it on him. We took him out in it both Saturday and Sunday and received many comments on it. Some good - some not so good. But I didn't care. We are Yankees fans. And maybe someday my son will be a future NY Yankee. But if not, that's o.k. We'll still be fans together!