I didn't realize how long it had been since I posted last. But it's been a crazy few months around here. It seems like things have been going non-stop. I've been super busy with school (concerts, play, elementary school tours, etc.). And I just can't wait for the end of the school year to arrive. I'm longing for it. But, since it's been awhile, I'll just catch you up - I promise it'll be the short version, though!
We've had a beautiful spring so far this year. Some super warm days (which I love), some downright cold days, rainy days, misty days and some good old-fashioned spring days. Here are a few pictures that were taken back in the beginning of April. The girls were loving playing outside that day!
Emma and Lily
Maggie, Lily and Emma
(look at all those knobby knees!)
Then Easter arrived. I LOVE getting my children all dressed up for Easter Sunday. And they enjoy it, too (well, I'm not too sure that Cole did, but the girls love it!)! We re-read the Easter story many times during the week prior to Easter Sunday. We don't read it too many times during the year after that, unfortunately. But it's amazing what kids will remember. They still remember the entire story and still are upset about the whole thing (Christ's beating, the crucifixion, etc.). Maggie kept asking me why people would do that to someone else. And I could only respond with an "I don't know.".

My girls
We've also done some work around our home. The landscaping in the front of our house was something to be desired. So, we decided to concentrate on that this spring. It's almost finished. We worked so hard for a few weeks, that now we're completely pooped out. We're hoping to get the front steps finished soon. I don't have any pictures of that process, so here are just a few for you to enjoy.
Cole figured out one day how to climb into his little toy box. He thought it was GREAT fun!
Then Mother's Day arrived. I was so busy with the spring musical this year, that it just flew up on me. I was so tired that day (2 straight weeks of practice every night for a few hours just about killed me.). But I love these kids! They mean the world to me (for some reason, I didn't get a picture of Lily. But I love her, too!!!)!

Things will be changing this year. In a previous post I mentioned that I have been praying for change. And, things will definitely change. I was informed in late March by the superintendent and principal of my school, that my hours were going to be cut. And it wasn't a little cut - it was a HUGE cut! I was REALLY disappointed! I LOVE my job! I love the teacher I work with! I love the students! And I couldn't believe how they could do this to me. They were cutting jobs all across the board and I couldn't believe I was on that list. I had done everything they asked - above and beyond. I was bitter for a little while. How could they expect me to effectively and professionally do my job on the hours they were willing to give me? Then I realized - here was a change that I was praying for. Not one that I prayed specifically about - but again, another change. And after thinking about it, I knew it was for the best. I prayed and prayed - should I keep the few hours that they were willing to pay me for or should I just completely resign? And after a few weeks, I made my decision. As of June 12, I will no longer be an employee of the school. And I feel great about that decision!!! I began to realize that this is what God wanted me to do. Lily's schooling has suffered this year because of my job. She's still doing very well, but she's behind. So, we'll be playing catch-up this summer. I was starting to be gone a few nights during the week for school purposes and I was missing out on the time that I could be spending with my family. Marc was being relied on more and more to fix the kids dinner and watch them until bedtime - also putting them to bed. I didn't know how much I was missing out on. Then I began to think about the up-coming future. We are going to be having another child in the late summer. How was I going to work and take care of this little one? And then homeschool three kids on top of that and chase around a running toddler? I couldn't do it. And I know I can't. I knew this job was just for a season. It fell into my lap with no looking or even considering a job from my end. And now I feel God is telling me that my time is up. It's time to move on. So, as I will terribly miss my students and the teacher I work with, I am so looking forward to just being a mom for awhile. I am blessed!
Our Mother's Day brunch at the Tippecanoe Place! Cole ate everything in sight!
So there you have it...in a nutshell...my crazy life! But I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!