Monday, August 23, 2010

8 years ago today....

...we were blessed with this -- our first daughter. She made us parents for the very first time! And we were in love!
Emma Mae was born on August 23, 2002 at 8:58 AM. Her total labor lasted 7 hours from start to finish (though I remember pushing for 2 1/2 hours with her)! She was such an easy baby. She only really cried when she was hungry, tired or needed a diaper change. The smallest insignificant thing created hours of enjoyment for her. I remember one day not hearing her for awhile and going to check on her only to find that she was playing with a string that she found on the floor. That string entertained her for so long. Emma is my perfectionist. She HATES it when things don't go the way she wants them to. She is quiet, a little more outgoing (though she used to be painfully shy), smart, an avid reader, a lover of math, loving and sweet. She loves being a big sister and takes care of her siblings when I can't. She has a best friend who lives across the street from us but also counts her sisters in that best friend category. She adores her little brother who adores her right back. She's amazed by simple things and always asks 101 questions about everything. I miss her being so little - so dependent. But I am loving that she's becoming an independent young girl who takes pride in her work.

I found some pictures that I had forgotten that we had. So, here she is...Emma Mae Rader...from the beginning to the present!

Happy Birthday, Em! We love you!

10 years!

I'm a little late in getting this post posted. It seems that by the time I get around to even thinking about blogging, my day is finished and the next morning has arrived. Anyway, on the 12th of this month, Marc and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary. We didn't celebrate it the way we originally planned. Our original plan was to head off to Italy for 10 days and enjoy our time together in a most beautiful country. But, it didn't work out that way. We spent our 10th taking our children to play at Burger King for lunch and eating off the dollar menu! And you know what? It was GREAT!!! We had a great time together as a family. I love this man. He's a great husband, a caring and loving father and a great provider. I'm so looking forward to spending the next 80 years with him! He's definitely not perfect....but he's perfect for me!