I love this time of year! We recently put up our Christmas tree. I love it when the tree is finally decorated. I especially love it when it's very early in the morning or late in the evening, you plug in the tree - there are no other lights on, and you just sit in the glow of the Christmas lights. We, or I rather, enjoy the annual tree tradition. Marc and I go out and pick out our tree and then he cuts it down. The girls then tell me where they think the decorations should go. Every year we take the girls out and they pick out their own ornaments. We hang these ornaments on our tree, but when the girls get older, they take their ornaments with them. We started this tradition last year, so each girl now has two ornaments a piece. Not a lot now, but by the time they turn 20, they'll have enough to start (maybe they'll need to buy a few more - but then that's up to them). Hmmm....a contest....I've posted pictures of each of the girls ornaments. Do you think you could guess which ornament belongs to each girl? There is no prize to this contest. Just a "Way to Go! Good job!". Knowing the girls the way I do, I could have picked out most of these ornaments for them. But...can you? Let's see. Here are a few pictures of my girls. Look at the pictures and then pick the two ornaments that you think belongs to each girl. Leave your answer in the comment area. We'll let this contest go for a few days before I reaveal who got all the answers right. And now, let's begin.

All three of my girls - Maggie, Lily and Emma.
And now, the ornaments. Good luck!

Princess Crown



Big Blue Fish


Fish Acquarium
I hope you had fun with this little contest. It's always fun to see what kids will pick out. What they will like at a certain age in their lives. Because, you know when they're older, they'll probably hate most of these ornaments. But I'm loving every minute of it!!! Hey, that's what mother's do. I'm looking forward to next year when we can go out with the newest addition to our family and start this tradition with her/him, too. Merry Christmas everyone!