It's hard to believe that we've celebrated another birthday for Lily. She turned four this year and it's amazing how fast she's growing and learning. She has gotten much taller, her vocabulary is growing and she is a mommy's girl (I love it!!!). She is such a joy! She loves coloring and drawing - anything artsy- and almost prefers it if she can get a little messy. I love having her in our family. She definitely adds to it! Marc and I love her dearly as do her two sisters! So, Happy Birthday, baby! We're looking forward to seeing what this year will bring!!!

4??????? no way!!!! your girls are growing too fast as is my little one. why does it have to go so fast. but it is wonderful and amazing! miss you guys!
Happy Birthday Lily!!!! We are horrible horrible for forgetting your birthdays...Im so sorry. I have yet to transfer important dates to this years calendar...and its March!!!
Anyway, we love you all and are glad to read you had great days! Cant wait to see you next.
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