We love Easter around our house. Not just because I get to dress the girls up in pretty dresses. Not just for the yummy meal and the Easter egg hunt. But because of what Easter really means - the resurection of Christ! What a price he had to pay for me. We really went over and over the Easter story with the girls this year. We've gone over it in years past, but we're to the point where Maggie is really starting to understand things. She's starting to think things through logically and understand the feelings of others. She was very disturbed when we told her some of the things that happened to Christ just before He was hung on the cross. And then she started asking questions that we didn't really know how to answer - mostly because they weren't talked about in the Bible. But things that made us really wonder. And Emma sat down almost every day and read the Easter story to both of her sisters out of her Bible. It was very sweet to listen to their conversation...
Maggie - "Emma, what are thorns?"
Emma - "Those are the picky things that you see on roses."
Lily - "Oh, so they put roses on Jesus' head?"
Emma - "No, just the picky things."
Maggie - "Oh, that's gotta hurt."
It was fun hearing them talk things through and try to understand things in their own little minds. Every day we've been reading through the Easter story. I'm starting to get a little tired of reading the same thing over and over, but how important it is for my children to know exactly what Christ did for them and me. And so, I'll continue to read. Praying as I go along that my younger two will accept Christ soon.
Here are a few pictures taken on Sunday. Mimi (my mom) found these dresses while she was doing some shopping in NY. I loved them the minute I saw them. And so did the girls. So, here you are.

I love this picture of the girls and me. We don't have too many of them taken together.
And now on to the Easter egg hunt. The girls had so much fun looking for them. It was a little cooler than what we would have liked, but they had fun nontheless. I think they made out pretty well.

Maggie following daddy. He was trying to help her find some that she had missed. But I thought the picture was cute.

Happy Easter, everyone!
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