Tuesday, June 16, 2009

He's Here!

I so did not think that when I put up my post yesterday that I would be sitting here today telling you that my son has arrived! After my dr's appointment yesterday, they hooked me up to a fetal monitor because he hadn't moved in 24 hours. That was unusual for my little boy, but didn't really think much of it because I knew he was running out of space. I was on the monitor for about an hour and still no movement. So, they sent me over to the hospital to have an in-depth ultrasound done. Now, before I continue, let me just say that even though he wasn't moving, his heart rate was still really good. Anyway, still no movement during the ultrasound. The heart beat looked great. He was practicing his fetal breathing. Lungs, umbilical cord and all the other major organs looked great. Just no movement. So, they sent me up to the labor and delivery floor to be induced. I will go into his birth story on a later post (I'm really tired right now), but everything went so well. Emma was able to be a part of this story. And we were so glad she was there. But...before I sign off...here are his stats.

Cole Stephen Rader (middle name is after my dad's middle name)
Born: June 16, 2009
Weight: 7 lbs. 3 oz.
Length: 20 1/2 inches
Time: 9:28 AM

I will put up some pictures soon. But I just have to say, he's so cute!!!! And no, I'm not partial! =)


Kevin Flick said...

YEAH!!!!!!! can't wait to meet him and neither can cora. she keeps asking if we can go to the baby shower...since we came to your shower. she is so confused. ha! :)

Felipe and Chantelle said...

Oh, I'm so happy Cole has arrived! I can't wait to see pictures, I'm sure he is so cute. Now, get some rest!

Julie said...

Aww! Congratulations!!! Can't wait to meet your little Cole! Please post some pictures, if you have a chance. I'm sure he is a cutie!