Wednesday, September 30, 2009

In Love

Lately I've been singing "You Are My Sunshine" to Cole. It seems as if all my children, from the moment they were born, have been in love with music. It's soothing, relaxing, etc. But they all love it. So, when I started singing this song to Cole, he would smile, coo, try to giggle, make noises (I think it's his "joyful" noise). Now in this video, you will see him smile. He didn't really do any of the other things. It's funny, whenever I get the video camera in front of him, he becomes really timid. I know that's pretty common, but I wanted to show you his reaction. Of course, the singing isn't the greatest. I started a little too high for my voice and it's just not the best. But I wanted you to see what I see in this little boy. Pure love. Maybe not necessarily for music, but for his mom. You can see it in his eyes. I've been really busy these last few nights and Marc has had all the kids. Cole was a little fussy during one of these times and Marc decided to sit down and turn on this video so Cole could hear my singing. He said it was amazing - Cole knew it was me right away and stopped fussing. He knew my voice and tried to find the sound. Kind of how it states in John 10:27 - "My sheep hear my voice and I know them, and they follow Me.". Am I just like Cole? Do I know the voice of my Savior and do I do whatever I can to find Him and follow Him? Sometimes I do, but there are times that I ignore that voice. I know that time will be coming with Cole - a time when he hears me call to him and he decides not to follow. But right now I'm relishing in the time that he does try to find me all the time. Maybe that's a little bit of how Christ feels when I decide to follow him. Like a proud, loving parent.


Jen said...

Aw, what a sweetie!

TWitmer said...

So true Allison...Wow...gave me goosebumps and a sense today that I need to listen to my Savior's voice.

the back door said...

thanks for the sweet visual reminder.....i so often fail there, but when i do stop and listen it is amazing and calming!