Monday, March 15, 2010

Future Player

I know it's been awhile since I've posted anything. But I just had to post this because I thought he looked so cute! Anyway, most of you know that I'm from New York. There are many GREAT things about New York - snow (lots of it!), my hometown, the city, shopping, the Statue of Liberty, etc. But the best thing about New York are the NY Yankees! My family and I are huge fans!! Before Cole was born, my brother sent this hat as a gift for him. It's still a little big, but it stays on. I LOVE it on him. We took him out in it both Saturday and Sunday and received many comments on it. Some good - some not so good. But I didn't care. We are Yankees fans. And maybe someday my son will be a future NY Yankee. But if not, that's o.k. We'll still be fans together!


TWitmer said...

oh Allison...he is simply adorable! I love this picture!

Daisy Path said...

he is a doll!!!! oh my goodness! i bet millie was chasing him in the nursery. haha. :)