I can't believe that Cole is a year old already! It seems like just yesterday we were praying that God would add another little one to our family. The road for him to get here was not an easy one, but it was so worth it in the end. He's an amazing little boy who doesn't cease to make me laugh on a daily basis. From day one, he was always a snuggler and responded so well to music - especially "You Are My Sunshine". He's always been a happy little dude, with the exception of teething. His sisters ADORE him! And he's got them wrapped around his little finger. They would do anything for them. He especially loves it when he gets up in the morning and the girls are sitting at the table eating breakfast and yell "Goodmorning Cole" as he comes out with me. It makes him grin from ear to ear and giggle, too.
He likes to get into everything. There are a few times where a little slap on the hand and a firm "No" come into play. But he generally plays with his own things and stays away from the things he shouldn't touch.
He LOVES it when daddy gets home. The minute I say "Daddy's home!", he gets a huge grin, his arms start waving and his little legs are kicking. And then daddy comes in and scoops him up and he usually gets a pretty huge bear hug from Cole. It's sweet to watch. Cole is still a mommy's boy, but he definitely has a pretty big spot in his heart for his daddy! And that's as it should be.
Cole recently started taking his first steps. He was pretty proud of his accomplishment, as were we. It's hard to believe that it's that time now, but it is and we're loving every minute of it. Actually, I'm so ready for him to walk. He needs to chase his sisters around and start torturing them! =)
Here are a few pictures from his birth to 3, 6, 9 and now 12 months old. His looks have definitely changed. But his sweet spirit hasn't. I can't wait to see what God has in store for my little guy! It'll be exciting to watch how he's molded into the man that God wants him to be.

Cole - June 16, 2009 (a few hours old)
Papa and Cole (3 months old)
Christmas 2009 (6 months old)
(9 months old)
Happy Birthday, Cole! (1 year old)
I thought our lives would change drastically when we had a boy. But, they really haven't. We've been introduced to cars, trucks and lots of boy toys. But he's fit right into our family beautifully! God knew exactly what He was doing when He gave us our son! We love you, little dude!
1 comment:
We love you too Cole!!
And your lives WILL change drastically when he starts throwing balls, swinging swords, and yelling, "Bam! Bam!" Just you wait:)
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