When were were in Texas for Christmas this past year, we were able to get our first family pictures taken by a dear friend of mine and also my sister-in-law's sister. We thought she did a wonderful job considering Cole didn't really want to cooperate (he had slept terribly the night before and was just out-of-sorts that day). Here are just a few of our favorites.

Our very first family picture.

Our many blessings.
(As you can see, Cole had already started to melt down.)


Cole (eating cheerios)
That was the only way that we could get pictures of him.

Our sweet Eva.

Maggie and Emma.

Sister giggles and best friends.

We had a series of pictures taken of Marc with all of the girls individually.
Here's the one of him and Emma.

Marc and Lily

Marc and Maggie

Marc and me

Daddy and his boy!

Eva and mommy

This was my most favorite picture out of all the ones taken!
1 comment:
I love your family photos! Beautiful pictures of your beautiful family! :)
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