Friday, November 21, 2008


Yes, I have news.  It seems like such awhile ago that I had something "worthy" to write about.  But I promise you, this is good.  A few months ago I wrote how Marc and I made the joint decision to stop trying for baby #4.  I was having too hard a time and it just wasn't working.  We tried for 15 months and then came to the conclusion that if God wanted us to have anymore children, He would provide for us without my obsessing over it.  Well, the first month that we stopped trying is when it happened.  Yes, we are expecting baby #4!  We are so excited and still a little in shock.  I don't know why we's something that we prayed for for so long.  But after awhile it just seemed like a hopeless wish and that it was never going to happen.  But God is always full of surprises and this was a surprise for us.  Marc is very excited and so are the girls.  Maggie is my "little mommy in training".  The day she found out I had a baby in my belly, she had one, too.  We talked to her about how she had to be married before she had any babies.  Well, she decided that she was going to be married to daddy.  Now, how can anyone argue with that?!  God has been so good to us.  My little family is growing.  I've gotten this question a ton of times - "So do you want a boy since all you have are girls?"  My answer to that is - A boy would be great.  I wouldn't mind that one bit.  But I would love to have another girl, too.  Whatever God decides to give us is fine with us.  I'm not going to complain about or during this pregnancy one little bit.  I've wanted this for too long and I don't think it's fair to God for me to complain after I've prayed for this for so long.  


Kevin Flick said...

YEAH!!! it's not a secret anymore. i am still so excited for you guys! congratulations! :)

Felipe and Chantelle said... for you! When can we expect the next Rader baby to arrive?!? I can only imagine your pure JOY and anticipation!

Penny said...

Alli and Marc: A Huge Congrats! I know you are both very very happy about this news. ... So glad for you! May God Bless you in the days ahead. I love and miss you all

love you w/a :I

Dale and Angela said...

Congrats Allison & Marc! I was so happy when Chantelle told me your good news. I will pray for safe and healthy pregnancy....of course, I think 4 is a perfect number!

Julie said...

Yeah!!! Congratulations!!! So, when are you due? God is so good!